
Museum publications include zoological publications and pamphlets and Brimleyana. Museum curators and researchers also have works issued through other publishers.

For additional publications by staff and emeritus staff, please visit the online Museum Store. The Store also has a wide variety of natural history books for young people and adults!

Zoological Publications

The full-text of all Museum zoological publications listed here, except as noted, are freely available on the Biodiversity Heritage Library website: www.biodiversitylibrary.org

Endangered, threatened and rare fauna

  • Contributions of the North Carolina Biological Survey, 1884–1980
  • Part I. A Re-evaluation of the Mammals, Mary Kay Clark, ed., 52 pages, 1987
  • Part II. A Re-evalution of the Marine and Estuarine Fishes Steve W. Ross, Fred C. Rohde, and David G. Lindquist, 24 pages, 1988
  • Part III. A Re-evaluation of the Birds David S. Lee and James Parnell, eds. 52 pages, 1990
  • Part IV. A Re-evaluation of the Freshwater Fishes Edward F. Menhenick and Alvin Braswell, 106 pages, 1997


  • Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes
  • Fish Atlas, 1983 $10


  • A Distributional Survey of North Carolina Mammals
  • 4th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the SE United States


  • The Seaside Sparrow, Its Biology and Management
  • Checklist of North Carolina Birds
  • Bird Life of North Carolina's Shining Rock Wilderness
  • Autumn Land-bird Migration on the Barrier Islands of Northeastern North Carolina
  • Potential Effects of Oil Spills on Seabirds and Selected Other Oceanic Vertebrates Off the North Carolina Coast
* To order the Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes, please contact:
Serpent's Tale
P.O. Box 405
Lanesboro MN 55949-0405
TEL: 507.467.8734
FAX: 507.467.8735


Beginning in 1979 and ending in 1998, the Museum published a biannual, peer-reviewed scientific journal Brimleyana, A Journal of Zoology for the Southeastern United States. Subject matter focused on systematics, evolution, zoogeography, ecology, behavior, and paleontology in the southeastern United States.

The full-text of all 25 volumes of Brimleyana is freely available on the Biodiversity Heritage Library website: www.biodiversitylibrary.org